On The Chain Gang #11 — The Writer’s Elixir

My LINK in the Blog Chain

THE BLOG CHAIN is comprised of a group of fiction writers from Query Tracker and Rally Storm. We thought it would be fun and insightful to acquire differing ideas and opinions on a particular writing topic.

So, we work through the chain posting one-by-one with the same general focus, and then, we repeat the process with a new topic for discussion. I am the last to post for this round of the Blog Chain. My friend, Elana, began this link and will wrap it up in within the next day or so. So, if you’d like to read the chain from the beginning, go there. The previous post in the chain can be found at Sandra’s blog. And for some exciting news, our little Chain Gang will be growing as of next month to included a couple fabulous writers…be sure to check in and find out who! πŸ™‚

All Blog Chain members are listed in the sidebar to the right.
My previous Link in the Blog Chain was on the topic of Writing In 2009.


This Round’s Topic is:


When you’re in a pool of writing funk, how do you get out?
And Elana also wants… A favorite funny and/or thing that makes you happy.




The Writer’s Elixir



Ah, that is the question, isn’t it? One for which every writer wishes s/he had an absolute 100% guaranteed cure all. But alas, there is no long secreted ancient elixir or magic genie complete with three wishes. So our insides twist with turmoil looking for the answer.

For me it seems different projects and different times seem to change what works best for me. Lately, I’ve been in hibernation mode (my daughter called it lock-down). Just closed myself in the room and didn’t venture out or let anyone inside much. It’s worked. I’ve gotten some great story ideas for my new WIP. It’s really starting to take a shape.

Other things I find myself doing is just getting away from the everyday stress of life. I’m lucky to live at the beach in Orange County, CA — what more perfect place could be found to drink in the beauty of our glorious planet. Sitting on the bluffs overlooking the ocean, the breeze ruffling in my hair,waves crashing, the salty smell, heavenly sunrises and sunsets, gulls squawking and flying lazy circles in the sky…I’m set!

I find that if I either just dig in and force something to the page or step completely away, that is when something will strike me and get me started down the right path again.


And as far as something fun to do…I love searching the web for pictures and fun facts that may relate to my stories, creating Book Trailers, BLOGGING, hanging with my writerly friends, and chatting with old and new friends on facebook. Vampire Wars has definitely found a spot in my routine…a bit of blood lust…may find its way into a book one day. πŸ™‚


Don’t forget to leave a COMMENT. hmmm

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~ by bloggingexperiments on January 26, 2009.

16 Responses to “On The Chain Gang #11 — The Writer’s Elixir”

  1. I long to be on a bluff near the ocean, the sun baking my flesh to a crisp golden brown. (Well, maybe not crisp, but you get the drift.)

    Great post! I find winters in Nebraska to be inspiring (mostly because there’s nothing else to do but sit and daydream). πŸ™‚

  2. I’m glad to hear you’re enjoying Vampire Wars! I play it a lot too.

    • Yes, Sandra…you were the cause of about a week’s worth of non-writing! Love the game, and have managed to be better with my time and get some writing done too. Thanks, my friend. πŸ™‚

  3. Great job… You live in Orange County…we’re neighbors!!! I love “lock down” – it works for me everytime.

  4. OMG — you live on the beach in OC? I wouldn’t have much in the way of funks, either!

  5. Ok your tempting me into reopening my facebook account. I want to se what this Vampire Wars is all about.

  6. I am sooo jealous you live so close to the beach! I grew up in CA…I miss it πŸ™‚ Oh, and if you come across any of that elixir…let me know πŸ˜€ Great post!

  7. Oh, sigh you are making me miss Cali so much! I like the idea of going into lockdown as well – sometimes you just need to get rid of all the distractions, I guess.

  8. Joe is currently having a flip giveaway, if you want to come over and enter.

  9. The California coast is undeniably gorgeous. I am uberjealous right now. And the snow on my driveway isn’t helping with that.

    Great post, Abi!

  10. I seek solace at the beach too. Amazing what it can do. Lockdown. LOL!

  11. interesting idea!

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